Home Cases Fashad Mohamed

Fashad Mohamed

Fashad Mohamed


Fashad Mohamed

Fashad Mohamed was an Iraqi detainee who was captured by American forces and who subsequently died in their custody. His case was never officially publicly discussed and the soldiers never publicly identified, nor was the outcome of the military investigation into the Navy SEALs allegedly responsible for his death made public. Nonetheless, some facts about the death of Fashad Mohamed were made public.


Fashad Mohamed was an Iraqi of an unknown age who was captured by Navy SEALs in early April. The forces who apprehended Fashad Mohamed used rough means to detain him when he resisted arrest, causing serious injury. He was captured on the battlefield near Mosul. Fashad Mohamed was then interrogated. Once his interrogation, he then went to sleep and did not awaken. His death was recorded on April 5, 2004. A death certificate was issued on May 14 but did not identify a cause of death.


News of the death of Fashad Mohamed became public in September of 2004 as part of a larger army investigation regarding abuses of detainees and prisoners by seven members of Navy SEAL Team 7. These members included six SEALs, as well as one support soldier. The investigation linked the death of Fashad Mohamed with that of an earlier death of another detainee, whose name was not released. That death took place in November of 2003.


During the course of the Navy's investigation of the death of Fashad Mohamed and other prisoners, it was determined that none of the SEALs would be charged for homicide in their role, if any, in the death of Fashad Mohamed and the unknown soldier. The reason given for this was that Fashad Mohamed and that of the unknown soldier occurred while they were in the custody of the CIA and the army.