What is the Black Dahlia Murder?
The Black Dahlia Murder was an informal classification given to a murder that too place in Los Angeles, California on January 15th, 1947; the term ‘Black Dahlia Murder’ was given to this particular murder due to the fact that the victim of the murder – 22 year old Elizabeth Short – was nicknamed the ‘Black Dahlia’. Many historians maintain that the nature of this nickname was derived from the fact that Short was oftentimes seen donning black clothing, which accompanied her black hair. Although upwards of 60 suspects were called into question, the true murderer of Elizabeth Short has never been determined, making the Black Dahlia Murder one of the most prolific and noteworthy unsolved murder cases in the history of the United States.
Details of the Black Dahlia Murder
Elizabeth Short’s body was discovered on January 15th, 1947 in a deserted patch of land in Leimert Park – an area of suburban Los Angeles. Despite the finding of Short’s corpse, forensic technology had prevented law enforcement agents from determining the precise time of her murder:
Elizabeth Short was found to be drained of most of her blood; not only had her torso been traumatically severed, but she had suffered abrasions to her face – the area at which her cheeks met the sides of her mouth were severed
Her body was assumed to have been washed and treated for the removal of evidence; in addition, she was found to be seemingly positioned with her hands behind her head
Perhaps amongst the most gruesome details of the Black Dahlia Murder was the notice that not only had Elizabeth Short assumed to have been forced to consume fecal matter, but she had been the victim of sexual assault posthumously
Profile of the Black Dahlia Murder
The following outlines the crimes involving the Black Dahlia Murder
Suspect of the Black Dahlia Murder: Although there have been upwards of 60 suspects – ranging in notoriety – the murderer of Elizabeth Short has never been determined
Date of Birth of the Victim: Elizabeth Short was born on July 29th, 1924 in Hyde Park, Massachusetts; she is assumed to have died on the day of the discovery of the Black Dahlia Murder – January 15th, 1947
Residence of the Victim: Los Angeles, California
Notable Details and Personal Information: The following personal details have been considered to be contributory to the behavior and criminal actions undertaken in conjunction with regard to the Black Dahlia Murder; in addition, these case details were made mention within the criminal investigation of the Black Dahlia Murder:
Subsequent to the discovery of the Black Dahlia Murder, Elizabeth Short’s life was subject to a thorough investigation; both her past – as well as her undertakings prior to her murder – were examined
Celebrities including musician Woody Guthrie and actor Orson Welles were both considered to be suspects – albeit for a brief period of time
Many individuals placed the blame of the failed investigation with regard to the Black Dahlia Murder on the rampant and frenzied media coverage